Ballad of the Broken Heart

Ballad of the Broken Heart

Ballad of the Broken Heart
by Amenta/Cardoselli/Devito
Graphic novel; ArmageDoom Factory, 2019
translation into English and editing by Daniele Bonfanti


We are just numbers among other numbers.
Numbers, only numbers, but some of them count so much more.
The age – the where and when – does not matter. In a near future, the toughest challenge to face will be overpopulation. Birth control will be a civic duty, but individual will alone won’t be enough…

Aimless wars will become serial entertainment; controlled deaths, a millionaire lottery.  Branded like beasts, drawn like bingo balls for death – a win for your family. All the rotten, the evil, the worst, will be marketed and sponsored as fair, decent and good.

In a near future, society will have different ethics, a different perception of good and evil – of love and hatred. Only few men will be born with unalterable, natural morals; because nobody will ever change the value of love for somebody who’s truly in love.

In a scenario of absurd tomorrow, a brave soldier, finally back home, will discover the truth about his gone love.
A mute warrior, a vow of silence, a merciless revenge put in meaningless prose.

… Screams of silence
cries of tears
my heart is there
dancing split.

Screams of silence
the voice of torn love
a black heart remains
in the rumble of pain…